The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has provided some rich retail investors access to Hong Kong-listed shares, while the tightly controlled qualified domestic institutional investor programme gives financial institutions an avenue to purchase overseas bonds and securities. 沪港通让一些富裕的散户投资者能够买卖香港上市的股票,受到严格控制的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)项目则为金融机构提供了一条购买海外债券和证券的渠道。
The bank has applied to Beijing for a quota under the qualified foreign institutional investor ( QFII) programme, which allows overseas groups to buy equities and bonds on the mainland. 韩国央行已经向北京方面提出申请,希望获得中国合格境外机构投资者(QFII)计划的配额。该计划允许海外集团购买中国内地的股票和债券。
Currently the main channel through which fund companies can invest offshore renminbi in mainland capital markets is the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor programme. 目前,基金公司主要通过人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)项目,将离岸人民币资金投入内地资本市场。
First, we have appointed five Primary Dealers which have good access to the institutional investor base. The Primary Dealers will perform the role of underwriter and market maker for securities issued under the Programme. 首先,我们委任了五个与机构投资者联系密切的主要交易商,他们将担任包销商和市场庄家。
Many of the largest investment banks have declined to assign analysts to cover Berkshire because its high-priced and closely held shares trade relatively infrequently, and institutional investor interest in the stock is low compared with other companies. 很多最大投行拒绝指派分析师去研究伯克希尔哈撒韦,因为该公司股价很高,投资者紧密持有,而且交易相对不频繁,相对于其他公司的股票,机构投资者对这只股票的兴趣较低。
Martin Currie, an Edinburgh-based investment manager, is the largest foreign institutional investor in China's A-share market, the largest equity market in Asia after Japan. MartinCurrie是一个基金投资管理公司,总部位于英国爱丁堡。MartinCurrie是中国A股市市场&这个继日本之后最大的股票交易市场的最大外国机构投资者。
In particular, individuals will be allowed to purchase B shares and make financial investments involving overseas shares, fixed income products and other approved financial instruments through the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme. 特别是,允许个人购买b股,以及通过合格境内机构投资者计划(qdii),对海外股市、固定收益产品及其它被认可的金融工具进行金融投资。
Finally, this paper gives some suggestions about the future development of stock exchange bond market from angles of institutional investor and individual investor. 文章从机构投资者和个人投资者两个层面的市场建设对未来交易所债券市场发展提出了建议。
At present, the institutional investor participates in the stock index prompt sale the step speeding up gradually. 目前,机构投资者参与股指期货交易的步伐正在加快。
Second, there will be increased investment flows from China to Hong Kong under the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor ( QDII) initiative, which gives Chinese investors greater freedom to invest in overseas equities. 其次,在合格境内机构投资者(QDII)机制下,从中国内地向香港的投资流动将上升。上述机制使得中国内地投资者在投资海外股市方面有了更大的自由度。
According to economy game, the condition of institutional investor actively participating in corporate governance is analyzed in this paper. 本文根据经济博弈论分析了机构投资者积极参与公司治理的条件。
More product opportunities may open up under the qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII) and qualified foreign institutional investor ( QFII) schemes, but this is likely to largely benefit Chinese asset managers. 在合格境内机构投资者(qdii)和合格境外机构投资者(qfii)项目之下,基金公司可能会找到更多的产品机会,但受益的可能主要是中资资产管理公司。
Chinese banks, insurers and fund managers last year received approval to invest overseas for the first time through a quota system, known as the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme. 中国银行业、保险公司和基金经理去年首次获准通过一个配额系统即合格境内机构投资者(qdii)计划进行海外投资。
The move will also apply to dividends paid by Chinese listed companies to foreign shareholders through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor scheme. 此举还将适用于中国上市公司在合格境外机构投资者(QFII)机制下向境外股东支付的股息。
The Revelation of the Behavior of American Institutional Investor on Completing Our Institutional Investor 浅析美国机构投资者行为对完善我国机构投资者行为的启示
The Correlational Study between Institutional Investor and Executive Compensation 机构投资者与高管薪酬的相关性研究
Only institutions with a qualified domestic institutional investor quota can invest overseas for clients. 仅有拥有合格境内机构投资者(qdii)配额的机构,才能为客户进行海外投资。
Along with a number of other large Chinese brokerages, Citic Securities has been approved to invest in offshore markets under the so-called qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII) scheme, which is intended to encourage excess liquidity to leave the country through portfolio investments. 与中国其它许多大型券商一样,中信证券已获准通过所谓的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)计划投资海外市场。该计划旨在鼓励中国国内过剩的流动性通过投资组合渠道流向海外。
Research on the Institutional Investor's Participating in Stock Futures Market 机构投资者参与沪深300股指期货问题研究
The Mistake Killed of Public Offering: Institutional Investor Influence on Corporate Governance 被错杀的增发:机构投资者对公司治理的影响
A Study of the Effects of the Institutional Investor's Behavior on the Stability of the Stock Market 机构投资者行为对证券市场稳定性的影响研究
For access to the mainland, overseas investors need permission from Safe, China's foreign exchange regulator, to become part of the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor ( QFII) scheme. 若要投资中国内地股市,海外投资者须获得中国外汇管理局(Safe)的许可,加入合格境外机构投资者(QFII)计划。
The Function Mechanism of Institutional Investor on Audit Quality of Listed Company 机构投资者影响上市公司审计质量机理研究
Over the past few years Hong Kong has already become a favoured destination for Chinese fund outflows through the qualified domestic institutional investor funds. 过去几年,对于通过合格境内机构投资者(qdii)基金外流的中国资金来说,香港已成为一个受欢迎的目的地。
However, regulators in China are making greater efforts to open up the stock market to overseas investors, principally through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ( QFIIs) system and the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor ( RQFII) project. 不过,中国监管部门正在加大努力向海外投资者开放股市,目前提供的主要渠道是合格境外机构投资者(QFII)机制和人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)计划。
Influence of Institutional Investor on the Volatility of Stock Market& Based on Research into the Topview Data 机构投资者对证券市场价格波动性的影响&基于Topview数据的实证研究
The CIRC shall issue separate stipulations governing the specific ratios of an insurance institutional investor's stock investments. 保险机构投资者投资股票的具体比例,由中国保监会另行规定。
Looking ahead, there will be opportunities for all of the three main types of private landlord: the private individual, the "venture capitalist" and the institutional investor. 展望未来,所有三大类型的私人房东私人个人、“风险投资家”和机构投资者都将面临机遇。
Third, Hong Kong can expect to benefit from the recent relaxation in qualified domestic institutional investor rules giving Chinese institutions greater freedom to invest in overseas equities. 第三,中国最近放宽了对合格境内机构投资者(qdii)的规定,赋予中国金融机构投资境外股票的更大自由度,香港预计将从中受益。
At present, foreign investors can invest only in local currency stocks and bonds in China under the existing qualified foreign institutional investor programme. 目前,外国投资者只有在现有的合格境外机构投资者(qfii)方案下,才能在中国投资于本币股票和债券。